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General September 2024 Activity: Sub 2000’rs, Ben Cleuch, Romanian Peaks and Lang Craigs

First up on 15/09/24, BR & IH had a pleasurable walk up Broughton Heights, NT 12280 41117 and Trahenna Hill, NT 13581 37385, both categorised as part of The Sub 2000’ of Scottish Hills (those below 2000 feet in height, that rise at least 150m above the surrounding land on all sides). Starting about 1km NE of Broughton, NT 11978 37513, their route can be found in;

IH on the SW side of Broomy Law with Green Law ahead and the furthest point centre pic called Pyked Stane Hill.

At the top of Pyked Stane Hill looking SSE to Trahenna Hill and IH contemplating his Romanian Mountain trip in a few days.

Looking WSW to Tinto, centre pic.

On route to Trahenna Hill they go over Hammer Head, where they are greeted by a large cairn. Pic taken looking SW with the cairn’s tip obscuring most of Tinto on the horizon.

Looking SW towards the start point near pic centre.

From Trahenna Hill a final look back towards Broughton Heights in the NNW. A grand day oot!

Next up, on 19/09/24, AS had a fabulous short day up Ben Cleuch in The Ochils, NN 90271 00639. Pic shows the view to the SW, the cloud snugly covering The Forth Valley.

From near the summit looking NW to Stob Binnein and Ben More, left of centre with Stuc a Chroin and Ben Vorlich right of centre.

A glorious day with a quiet summit.

Having been suitably trained to perfection IH headed off to Romania just over a week later. Here we see IH having a good day in the Transylvanian alps, on their highest point of the tour.

IH on the Piatra Criuli ridge, c. 2000m, featuring beautiful limestone and a path covered with exposed roots from low-growing firs.

Curmatura Hut, their starting point for Piatra Criuli.  Wood burning stoves, deep drop external latrines and cold outside showers... luxury!

Last up for September, BR, JI, JW & IM visited Lang Craigs, overlooking Dumbarton, NS 43350 76776. Their route was as follows; Pic taken from the base of the crags looking SW over Dumbarton and The River Clyde.

Taken from the NE corner of the route, looking NNW to Ben Lomond, centre pic.

On top of the crags heading south.

Back on lower ground now with JW striding forth. A short but pleasurable day.

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